Vinegar Cleaning Concentrate
As you use citrus like lemons or oranges throughout the week, peel them and allow the rinds to dry on a sunny window sill. Store in a half gallon mason jar when fully dry. Once this mason jar hits about halfway up with your dried citrus peels, throw in about an ounce of thyme, rosemary, hyssop, or other herb with antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral properties (and something you don’t mind smelling everyday). Fill the jar to the top with distilled white vinegar and cap. Label and shake for 4-6 weeks. Strain into another jar, and store under the sink to turn into other cleaning products for your home.
Turning your cleaning concentrate into an all purpose herbal cleaning spray:
Combine in a spray bottle:
- 2 cups hot water
- 1 teaspoon borax
- 1 teaspoon liquid castille soap
- 2-3 tablespoons cleaning vinegar concentrate
Use on any surface except walls and glass… For a glass and wall cleaner, omit the borax and castille soap.
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