Acknowledgements, Copyright, Disclosure, & Image Credits


These writings are not of one mind but of many. Aside from the many authors I quote throughout, many of my own mentors, teachers, and guides have inspired these writings through classes, workshops, nature walks, conversations, lectures, etc that I have participated in with them over the years. I've included some of these minds below in alphabetical order since it's so challenging to decide on an order.

Of particular note however:

  • Kyle King, who showed me there is such thing as an inner world, that the wildness within reflects the wildness without, and that it's possible to live a life of heart and integrity
  • jim mcdonald, whose intensive catalyzed me into making herbalism my lifelong path and whose system of energetics influenced much of my writing on the topic here
  • Erika Galentin, who helped me hone my clinical skills and dive into clinical herbal practice.
  • Camille Freeman, who continues to nurture the growth and development of my clinical practice and teaching through her ongoing mentorship program.

And the rest of my teachers who have inspired me in some way over the years no matter how brief our encounters may have been:

7Song, Vilde Chaya Fenster-Ehrlich, Christopher Hobbs, Nance Klehm, Paul Marcum, Peter McCoy, Stephen Packard, Ember Peters, Nathanael Pilla, Stascha Stahl.

All articles within the Greenspell Virtual Garden (aside from those excerpted or quoted) are copyrighted and are for personal study and exploration only. This does not include freely available media reposted in the 'Resources' section that were not written by myself. Content including text, images, photos, media, graphics, and other media, cannot be re-published or duplicated for personal or commercial use except with permission from myself, Alex Williams.

Sometimes people and organizations wish to use the text from my website for their blogs, websites, or other purposes. Under the 'fair use' provision of copyright law, it is permissable to quote sections of text without any requirement to contact the author or provide payment. However, you should use a citation to indicate the source of your information. If you wish to use more text than what the fair use provision normally allows, then you should send me an e-mail at:

See 'Photo Use Policy' below to request use of a photo posted within the Greenspell Virtual Garden:

Photo Use Policy

Most photos on this website were taken by the creator the Greenspell Virtual Garden, Alex Williams, although some photos belong to other people as indicated on the web pages where they appear (typically as captions to the photo with attribution credit), or in the 'Image Credits' section below.

My photos (both web-based and larger copies of the originals) are available at no charge for non-commercial uses. Examples of non-commercial use as defined here include, but are not limited to: 1) using photos for homework assignments or to teach courses at non-profit schools and universities, 2) using photos for educational and/or research activities at no additional charge to members of the public, 3) using photos for government-related or non-profit organization-related publications that are available to either staff or members of the public at no additional charge, whether they are printed or available online, 4) using photos for non-commercial blogs and websites, and 5) using photos for non-commercial personal use. It is not necessary to contact me by e-mail seeking my permission for these non-commercial uses, although attribution credit should be provided as 'Photo by Alex Williams, Greenspell Organization,' or a similar format should be used (this is not required for non-commercial personal use, however). Occasionally, I allow non-profit organizations, especially if they are small and local, to use my photos for limited commercial purposes for which there may be a small charge for newsletters, a fund-raising event, or other purposes. If you wish to use my photos for such purposes, then you should send me an e-mail ( seeking permission to do this.

For commercial uses, I may offer permission to use photos for a fee which we will discuss via email. Examples of commercial use, as defined here include, but are not limited to: 1) a for-profit business using photos on behalf of a financial contract with another organization, whether this organization is a branch of government, a non-profit organization, or another for-profit business, 2) a for-profit business using photos in its normal business-related operations, such as: distributing literature to clients, or potential clients, for the ultimate purpose of making money; labeling plants or seed packets at a for-profit nursery that will be offered for sale to members of the public; providing advertising services to clients at an ad agency; publishing and selling a book, newspaper, magazine, other document, or an e-document that contains photos to members of the public, libraries, and other organizations, and 3) using photos at a blog or website that is primarily commercial. For these and other commercial purposes, you should send me an e-mail ( indicating which photos that you wish to use.

If you are not sure whether the purpose of your use of my photos are for 'non-commercial use' or 'commercial use', feel free to send me an e-mail ( that describes the purpose for which the photo(s) will be used and asking me whether or not this is a non-commercial or commercial use.


Greenspell supports trusted organizations with the use of affiliate links. Affiliate links are shared throughout the website and Greenspell may receive compensation if you make a purchase with these links.

Information offered on is for educational purposes only. The Greenspell makes neither medical claim, nor intends to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Links to external sites are for informational purposes only. Greenspell neither endorses them nor is in any way responsible for their content. Readers must do their own research concerning the safety and usage of any herbs or supplements.

Image Credits

All images that are not my own are either credited on the page they are posted in, within the image itself, or below. All uncredited images were taken by myself.